National Association of Women in Construction 

NAWIC Buffalo Niagara

Chapter Corporate Sponsorships

We rely heavily on our sponsors and supports and do our very best to promote them whenever possible and of course to do business with them! If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity please reach out to any one of our board members of click here Sponsorship Opportunities

Platinum Sponsor


Gold Sponsors 

Silver Sponsors

                        Thank you for   your interest in                            NAWIC  Buffalo Niagara

To register: go to  Membership

Check out our Events page and join us for our next meeting.

To become a sponsor go to Sponsorship Opportunities  

Join Us  

The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) was chartered in 2021 in the Buffalo Niagara region and we want YOU involved!

NAWIC is a professional association comprised of women working in construction and related industries in a variety of positions.  Members come from many different backgrounds but are not limited to project managers, construction managers, equipment operators, sales executives, attorneys, bankers, professional development, construction services etc.  There are many advantages to being a member for both the employee and her employer.

Benefits for you 

■ Education/Professional Development-including certifications through the NAWIC Education Foundation (NEF), monthly webinars and national & regional conferences

■ Volunteer Opportunities-Leadership development, mentoring opportunities and community involvement projects

■ Industry Cross Promotion & Information- Networking, guest speakers, liaison opportunities with other associations, and up-to-date industry, legal and legislative standards

■ Publications-NAWIC Today (bi-monthly national magazine) and The Connection (bi-weekly e-newsletter) 

How NAWIC membership benefits the employer

■ Education-Professional certifications through NAWIC Education Foundation (NEF) monthly webinars, workshops and speakers vital to the industry.

■ Resources-discounts on shipping, education, insurance and more, as well as development of a national network through alliances with other associations and agencies

■ Exposure-advertising and marketing opportunities on multiple platforms and through community service projects.

We are looking for women that want to be involved in our committees, will attend monthly meetings,  consider joining our board of directors and paving the way for our chapter's future.   We need women that believe in our place in the construction industry that are dedicated to seeing it grow!

WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION NAWIC members have increased opportunity, visibility and influence through the skills and expertise developed through the association.

NAWIC is known in the industry as key to professional success, resulting in increased demand for programs, increased membership, increase revenues and increased opportunities.


Development of leadership skills in safe women-centric environments, development of transferable skills amplifying success, a seat and a voice at the table, professional development training, industry education, networking opportunities, and diversity & inclusion initiatives.


• Founded in 1953, a 501c3 focused on construction education

• K-12 Student Outreach: Block Kids, Design Drafting, Create

Design Build Programs

Created by: Gianna Burton
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